Vladimir Melnik

Just another WordPress website

Creating and removing snapshots in Apache CloudStack with a neat schedule

Here’s an example of the configuration file of my make_snapshots.pl script based on the MonkeyMan framework.

Frankly speaking, I really can’t imagine how to deal with snapshots without this […]

CloudStack Management Cluster

My new CloudStack-driven cloud is being managed by a cluster that consists of 8 virtual machines that are running on 2 different physical hosts. I can shut down any of […]

Synchronizing records about the occupied IP-addresses between two CloudStack databases

Sometimes it’s necessary to maintain 2 different CloudStack setups (let’s call them Cloud-A and Cloud-B) sharing the same IP-address ranges. For example, we might need that when we’re building a […]

MonkeyMan’s vocabularies

Each element of the ACS-driven infrastructure is represented as a Moose-sugared Perl object, has attributes and executes methods. All kinds of elements consume (inherit) the same Moose role (MonkeyMan::CloudStack::API::Roles::Element) which […]

My music teacher

I had started to play music in the same year when I heard Amy Jade Winehouse, so I consider her as my teacher of music. I had no teachers besides […]

How to find out where exactly the packet is being lost

It’s a pretty common occurrence when you have 2 hosts pinging each other and some packets are being lost. And sometimes you need to make sure, that the routing device […]


Бывает, чел вот, например, идёт, потом смотрит – куда-то не туда зашёл, думает, как выйти, а потом вспоминает, что, пока шёл, часто забывал, куда дойти хотел, а потому совсем другие […]

How to test a TCP-connection

Sometimes it’s not enough to estimate the packet loss ratio only, but to make sure that a TCP-connections are stable. Run the “server” instance (sockping -m server -p 65513) on […]

How other people affect our lives

What if people influence on each other much more than we tend to believe? Did you ever assume that some events in other people’s lives, some traits of their destinies […]